Advice and Case Studies

You can read my Case Studies and Blog Posts here.

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Large raised flower beds

An area with raised beds was sprayed and cleared of grass and weeds and a membrane laid to keep the white marble and plum slate clean. This will prevent the...
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Lawn into Low Maintenance

Lawn transformed to a low maintenance front garden. Grass sprayed with weedkiller, rotovated and a membrane laid, with plants inserted, then two loads of gravel spread over the entire area....
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Overgrown Garden to Low Maintenance

I was asked to transform a rather overgrown garden and make it user friendly and maintenance free. As can be seen from the photographs, there has certainly been a major...
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Getting rid of a mossy lawn

The cut turf was taken away and used to build up another rock garden feature thus avoiding the need to dispose of the material. Once the turf had been stripped...