Getting rid of a mossy lawn


The cut turf was taken away and used to build up another rock garden feature thus avoiding the need to dispose of the material. Once the turf had been stripped off and removed, the entire area was thoroughly cultivated to provide the ideal planting and growing medium for the plants.

A membrane was used to separate the soil from the gravel and keep weeds to a minimum. A large amount of local stone was placed strategically to create some height and relief, as well as shaping the path network which enables people to meander through the layout.

A mixture of low growing shrubs and conifers, as well as a seasonal mix of heaths and heathers were planted to offer continuous colour throughout the year through flower and colourful foliage.

A final dressing of local gravel was applied to finish off the landscape and as the plants mature and spread the area will look nice and natural, providing interest to the owners and passers-by.

All the salvaged plants were lifted and transplanted to the rear garden.